

Specialist areas

Webgl, Glsl

Motion and interactions

Performances opimization




Gobelins · Paris

Creative web developer based in Paris, with a strong focus on performance and interactivity. Building websites from scratch whenever possible, using WebGl, OpenGL Shading Language and headless cms (such as Sanity, Prismic..). Alternatively, I adeptly utilize technologies such as Nuxt, GSAP, Three js... Driven by a deep interest in design, I approach development and animation with a unique perspective in my projects.

I created my first websites at the age of 15 and quickly developed an interest in it. In 2022, I started a DUT in MMI (Multimedia and Internet Professions).

In June 2023, I won first place at the MMI Festival in the UX & User Journey category, further strengthening my passion for design, in addition to my love for web development.

For any questions or project inquiries, feel free to contact me.

